New Book Release Written by Andersen Alumnus Emmet O’Reilly: Miss, Say Goodbye to Your Daughter

Author: Emmet O’Reilly, Andersen Alumnus, author

It’s 1944 and the tight-knit community of the Liberties in Dublin’s inner city is feeling the bite of wartime austerity. Bound together by poverty and devotion to the Catholic Church, struggling families share what they have and hope that better days will come. Despite the tough surroundings, twenty-nine-year-old Ellen remains optimistic about her future, convinced that she may soon meet the man of her dreams.

Miss, Say Goodbye to Your Daughter

Miss, Say Goodbye to Your Daughter is the gripping true story of Ellen and her daughter, Deirdre, who is born into the most challenging of circumstances. The impact of those early childhood years echo through Deirdre’s life, but ultimately spur her on as she seeks her own version of self-actualisation and to achieve goals beyond her imagination.

Written against the backdrop of enormous social change that Ireland experienced in the second half of the twentieth century, this story of two determined and courageous women explores how fate and the indomitable human spirit compete to draw us in radically different directions.

Order your copy online here.

About the Author

Emmet O’Reilly was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland and still resides there with his wife of twenty-three years and their three teenage children. A chartered accountant by profession, but with a penchant for creativity, this is his first book, but he’s well progressed with a draft for a fictional sequel. Emmet can be reached at