Book Release by Andersen Alumnus Andrew S Kane Three Bridges - Adulthood is
Easy Until Life Intervenes
By Andrew S. Kane, Former
Managing Partner Los Angeles 1974-2002, today Andy is an Author and Advisor,
Co-Founder MKW Advisors and Co-Founder Spencer Legacy Group and can be reached
For much of
this decade Andy was immersed in completing first a master’s degree in Human Development which was then followed by
a PhD in the same field of Human Development. His doctoral thesis was on
the subject midlife. His research covered people in both the US and
Europe, led him to become globally certified in positive psychology and writing
his book.
Over the past several
years, as he experienced the unexpected twists and turns of
adulthood, it led him to dive more in depth about ways to prepare and
adapt to life's surprises. Some of his life events were a shock, such as
the collapse of Arthur Andersen and more profoundly the death of his daughter
from cancer. Yet he was somehow able to leverage the resilience have
built, develop my coping mechanisms, prevail and grow. Now, with Three Bridges - Adulthood is Easy Until Life Intervenes., Andy
shares his expertise and approach on how to navigate adulthood including
enhancing one’s well-being, and address midlife among numerous topics I
“No one can build you the bridge on which you,
and only you, must cross the river of life. There may be countless trails and
bridges and demigods who would gladly carry you across: but only at the price
of pawning and forgoing yourself. There is one path in the world that no one
can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don’t ask, walk!” — NIETZSCHE
Three Bridges is about navigating through your adulthood, enhancing your wellbeing and addressing your midlife.
has certain expectations of what their life may be like and how it will unfold.
Yet, if there is one certainty I have come to realize, it is that life does not
always go according to plan. I have experienced and understood this firsthand.
I have lost my daughter to cancer, lost my my career and capital while I was a
partner at Arthur Andersen (due to its collapse due to Enron in 2002), suffered
the pains of a divorce and been the caregiver to too many. Yet somehow, I found
myself to be resilient throughout my adulthood, found myself able to adapt to setbacks,
reinvented my career and prospered, immigrated and flourished. How was all of
this possible? I completed a combined masters and doctorate degrees focused on
human development, to research and learn how positive psychology can help you
flourish and build your resilience. I came to understand how brains can be
rewired, appreciate the beauty of neuroplasticity and understand how to
reinvent yourself when adversity or opportunity presents itself and you need to
adapt. This is my story, shared in my book, along with my metaphorical
explanations of three bridges we cross in adulthood, the pressures we face and
how to overcome them. I especially found midlife to be the most intense
challenge and have addressed why and how to do this. My three metaphorical
bridges generally correspond to ages 20-40, 40-60 and adulthood after age 60,
but they should not be viewed as specific age related but more stage
based. I have termed these three bridges
The Bridge of Accumulating Responsibilities
The Midlife Bridge and
The Bridge of Decumulation and Simplicity
I have
linked the journey across these three bridges to why and how it is important to
enhance your wellbeing by embracing positive psychology, so you can thrive,
regardless of the stage of adulthood you are in. I am sure that from my own
deep losses I was not the only one to ask a deep and personal question, “What’s
Since my daughter died in 2008, I have been on my own thoughtful journey. I wrote my book to give back what I have learnt and experienced during my adulthood and help others navigate their lives, especially during midlife. The lessons I have learnt from grief and loss was the need for a deeper and more thoughtful introspection, resulting in being more authentic, taking off the “mask” that conceals our true identity and how to be happier. Now, over ten years after my daughter’s death, I hope my book may help others think about how to successfully navigate their adulthood, traverse my three metaphoric bridges, and enhance their own wellbeing.